Panga Media

We capture moments.


We are a young, creative company with a broad focus that was founded in mid-2020. Since the start of the company, we have kept a timeline. On this timeline you can see how our company has evolved from the start into a thriving business. We have annotated every milestone on the timeline: major projects, new techniques and achieved goals.




A new company (Our company) has been grounded! It started with what was a fun pastime: microstock. Here I was making a few dollars (literally a few) a month selling photos. This time, the goal was to increase the monthly earnings enough to make a living. That meant developing a whole set of new skills. Such as SEO, how to make commercial photos and videos instead of making photos as a pastime and various photo techniques. Obviously the focus was more on the business side and not so much on the photography side. But I can proudly say that in the meantime the expertise has grown enormously and the necessary knowledge has been acquired to successfully run a company in microstock.

Finally: the company has been named Panga Media. “Panga” means leaf in Kichwa, an Amazonian indigenous language. Hence the leafs around our logo. The name sounds great and connects the company to culture & nature. Both topics which are important and are planned to play a larger part in the companies future. So the perfect name has been found and we can be proud on it!





Drones videography and photography. I got a new tool, the mavic 2 pro. So I started using a drone to make footage and stills. The first flight was of course a lot of fun (and it still is amazing to fly the drone and get views which are otherwise impossible). Without much knowlegde about drones or videography I went down a new path. On this path I spend over 250 hours flying the drone and probably around a thousand hours editing.

Your first 10.000 pictures are the worst

This quote has proven to be true: It was a steep learning curve, but the results are awesome!

About time for our own website, so it’s online: Of course we don’t take half measures and the website is available in three languages: Dutch, English and Spanish. From this moment on you can expect regularly blogs and we will be active on social media (for now mainly Instagram). In addition, you can buy our photos as posters or on canvas from our website and we will start selling our online courses from our website in the near future.





The last part of 2021 has been scheduled for the creation of an online course about flying drones and making video/photos with the drone. Halfway, I decided to pull to plug on this project due to the lack of a proper environment and proper equipment to make the course. It’s on the shelf now and might be back one day! Naturally it was not a complete waste of time as everything learned will never be forgotten. Money-wise this was not the best business decision ever though.

2022 was going to be a good year, it started good with a large increase in my micro-stock portfolio size. All edited in a new format ‘Prores’ which should give a better quality. It certainly fills up more memory, hopefully people like the better quality! A lot of small projects to increase the business were brooding but nothing really realized!





An idea already in my head for a long time finally realized in a new project: a micro-stock analytics app. The name is going to be (very original): Panga Media Analytics. Keeping track of your earnings among different agencies can cost a lot of time, so now with this application it will be checked automatically. This is however, the least of all, the application will visualize your sales data and hopefully help with the decision making of buying new equipment and improving future metadata!